Thursday, December 31, 2009

Why didn't I do all this last year??

(I'm not even going to acknowledge the fact that I've been MIA for three months or more.  It never happened.  Seriously, I don't even know what you're talking about.)

I'm an obsessive list maker, so here is my list of resolutions for 2010.  (Because I will conveniently forget them if they are not written down.)

Wash my face every night.  I get a huge case of the lazies right before bed, which often results in wearing my make-up to bed.  I'm getting married in two and a half months, and I can't afford any ugly breakouts!!

Quit smoking.  For good.  I am dreading this one.  I've tried to quit so many times.  I know that I can do it - I just can't pretend that I am able to be only a "social smoker".  I just signed up at, and it promises to help you rethink the situations that make you smoke.  I'm also doing the nicotine patches, because I know they work.  I just have to stay strong.

Hire a trainer.  To help me not become a fat ass when I do quit smoking.  (Not that holiday food hasn't already done it's part in "helping" me gain a few.)  Also to help me get in perfect shape for my wedding...and the honeymoon.  Dress code on a cruise ship?  Can anyone say, bikini??  (Can my trainer say "Delusional!!"  I always imagine him having this ridiculous French accent saying, "What??  You geev me two months to work with 'zis??"  Yeah, maybe I should have made an appointment about six months ago.

Learn how to live in the moment.  Or at least in the day.  I've always lived for what's happening next.  I never just enjoy what is happening now.  And as cliche as that sounds, I want to learn how to quit wishing my life away.  Time is going by faster and faster every year and I want to appreciate it.

Do not use my credit card.  I am keeping that evil little money sucker in the safe FOR EMERGENCIES!!  REAL emergencies - not the "oh my God I need those shoes!" emergencies.  I paid it off this month, and I plan on keeping it that way.

Blog more consistently, at least once a week.  Hey, y'all!!  I am resolving not to abandon you again!!

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