Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Raw veggies with a side of intense cardio?? Maybe I'll start that NEXT Monday.

Dear Holidays,
Thank you for the extra 5 - 10 pounds.  I think I am set as far as extra padding (you know, for warmth and hibernation and all that).  Damn you, comfort food.  The dressing room in Victoria's Secret doesn't lie.
Faithfully yours,
Growing Girl

Diet was set to start yesterday, as was the cigarette abstinence program.  Jumpy as hell, I tripped over the dog's bone in the living room, fell down, and immediately burst into tears.  I cried for half an hour or better as Ken asked me over and over what was wrong.  I didn't know but couldn't stop the waterworks, so he offered to take me out for Mexican before I went to work.  And the day had gotten off to such a good start - I even took a vitamin!  I even poured the rest of the milk in my Kashi cereal down the drain to avoid the extra calories.  But how was I going to say no to cheese and salsa covered fried stuff when I couldn't smother my pointless tears in a cloud of smoke??  How??

Needless to say, diet starts next Monday.  Which will give me exactly two months to tone my mashed-potato-and-gravy-with-a-side-of-mac-and-cheese-and-maybe-some-pumpkin-pie-too ass up!!  Which is just as well, because I start school on Monday.  I can hear the doors of the gym now..."What HAPPENED, Barbie??  It's only been a MONTH!!"

Can't wait.

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