Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mrs. Barbie

I am officially married and back on the blogging scene.  My husband is thrilled that it's all finally over with, and I've been trying to throw subtle hints at my sister's boyfriend to propose already because I'm ready to plan another wedding!!
A quick update:  I made a huge life decision and have decided to go to esthetician school instead of finishing my fashion degree.  So get ready for lots of posts on make-up, waxings, and making people purteeeeeeee!!
Because Barbie is back.  With a gazillion thank you notes to write.  Oh gosh, I'm really going to do my best not to abandon y'all again!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Oh, Karma!!

"America is very blessed - yes, we have our own issues, & yes, we should do more to make those issues better, but we did not just lose 200,000 residents due to an earthquake. We SHOULD be helping those countries less fortunate than us. Someday we may need this type of assistance. Regardless of the problems in your own family, you'd try to help another hurting family. THAT is what America is doing with Haiti."

(I typed everything I felt, and then Facebook told me it was almost double the characters allowed for a status, so that was definitely an abbreviated version of my feelings.)

I HATE politics!!  I try to avoid at all costs two things:  conflict, and talking about politics.  (Both make me want to cry.)

Unfortunately or fortunately, I have some really strong feelings about being nice.  Nice is such a general word, boring maybe, and in writing, much too vague of a word to use, well, really ever, but that's what I am and what I believe in.

Karma is so real - what goes around, comes around.  I help you, you help me, we become BFF's, we love each other until we are chasing each other around in our wheelchairs at the nursing home.  Or something like that.

The world is becoming more and more like a single country every day.  We are more united than we have ever been thanks to technology.  What happens in another country concerns and affects us, and what happens in America concerns and affects every other nation in the world.  

So why is helping people who have been affected by a horrific natural disaster any different than one family in a neighborhood helping the other?  Every family has their own problems, but we are well past the time when we could just be concerned with our own.  The world is nothing but families separated by water, and if I've learned one thing from living in the South, it's that every family is related way back.  If the United States were devastated by an earthquake, any natural disaster, or a terrorist attack (9/11?), so many of the same people who are frustrated with America's providing help to Haiti would be appalled that other countries in the world did not rush to our aid.  I'm sure everyone remembers how angry people were when France did not support our "war on terrorism" after September 11th.  

How can we possibly expect others to help us if we throw our noses in the air and turn our backs on other places in need?  How can we even be taken seriously as a country?

Seeing what has happened in Haiti has broken my heart, and although everyone is entitled to their own opinion, karma is a bitch.  

So, this Barbie doll has had her fill of politics AND conflict for the year now.  Expect nothing but pink and shopping and fun from now on!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Breaking Up With Mr. Cig

Mr. Cig and I were together for a long time.  Two years at least, off and on.  He was usually right there when I needed him, and if not, all I had to do was jump in my car and drive about half a mile down the road - he was always waiting for me.  Besides his constant availability, Mr. Cig was filthy smoking hot!!

Our relationship was getting expensive though, and I knew that deep down, Mr. Cig was a bad boy.  He never missed a party, stayed at the bars until closing time, and I swear I saw him in the backseat of a friend's car.  There was even a rumor going around that he was a murderer, but I never saw that side of him.  He was what shortened a long day at work, calmed me down when I was stressed, and brightened my mornings.  His only downside - he kind of smelled.

I ended things with Mr. Cig on Sunday night pretty abruptly.  New year, new me, right?  And he was bad for me, and I felt strong, and just like that, we were done!!

I see him everywhere now!!  It's driving me crazy - and he looks even sexier now than he ever did while we were together.  I feel like maybe we didn't have a proper good-bye, like maybe we should try it again and this time I could really just savor our last minutes together.  Like Sunday wasn't the best day for a breakup.

My therapist, Mr. Nick Patch, has suggested daily appointments for about two months.  Four days down.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Raw veggies with a side of intense cardio?? Maybe I'll start that NEXT Monday.

Dear Holidays,
Thank you for the extra 5 - 10 pounds.  I think I am set as far as extra padding (you know, for warmth and hibernation and all that).  Damn you, comfort food.  The dressing room in Victoria's Secret doesn't lie.
Faithfully yours,
Growing Girl

Diet was set to start yesterday, as was the cigarette abstinence program.  Jumpy as hell, I tripped over the dog's bone in the living room, fell down, and immediately burst into tears.  I cried for half an hour or better as Ken asked me over and over what was wrong.  I didn't know but couldn't stop the waterworks, so he offered to take me out for Mexican before I went to work.  And the day had gotten off to such a good start - I even took a vitamin!  I even poured the rest of the milk in my Kashi cereal down the drain to avoid the extra calories.  But how was I going to say no to cheese and salsa covered fried stuff when I couldn't smother my pointless tears in a cloud of smoke??  How??

Needless to say, diet starts next Monday.  Which will give me exactly two months to tone my mashed-potato-and-gravy-with-a-side-of-mac-and-cheese-and-maybe-some-pumpkin-pie-too ass up!!  Which is just as well, because I start school on Monday.  I can hear the doors of the gym now..."What HAPPENED, Barbie??  It's only been a MONTH!!"

Can't wait.