Thursday, January 7, 2010

Breaking Up With Mr. Cig

Mr. Cig and I were together for a long time.  Two years at least, off and on.  He was usually right there when I needed him, and if not, all I had to do was jump in my car and drive about half a mile down the road - he was always waiting for me.  Besides his constant availability, Mr. Cig was filthy smoking hot!!

Our relationship was getting expensive though, and I knew that deep down, Mr. Cig was a bad boy.  He never missed a party, stayed at the bars until closing time, and I swear I saw him in the backseat of a friend's car.  There was even a rumor going around that he was a murderer, but I never saw that side of him.  He was what shortened a long day at work, calmed me down when I was stressed, and brightened my mornings.  His only downside - he kind of smelled.

I ended things with Mr. Cig on Sunday night pretty abruptly.  New year, new me, right?  And he was bad for me, and I felt strong, and just like that, we were done!!

I see him everywhere now!!  It's driving me crazy - and he looks even sexier now than he ever did while we were together.  I feel like maybe we didn't have a proper good-bye, like maybe we should try it again and this time I could really just savor our last minutes together.  Like Sunday wasn't the best day for a breakup.

My therapist, Mr. Nick Patch, has suggested daily appointments for about two months.  Four days down.

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