Friday, October 7, 2011

What a week.

Hey dolls!  So sorry for being M.I.A. but seriously, I'm going to put my excuses in list format because they are many and legit.

1.  Monday:  A hair appointment, a fabulous run (almost 5 miles in 45 minutes, a first for me), and the news that I'd already found a new job as a receptionist at a salon were followed by a heinous migraine resulting in bed rest until the following morning.

2.  Tuesday:  Anyone who has had a migraine can probably relate to the "hangover" the next day.  Unfortunately this hangover occurred on the first day of my new job, which also lasted around ten hours.  However, as bad as I felt, I absolutely LOVE it, but was thoroughly exhausted by the time I arrived home.  I slept better than I have in months, though.

3.  Wednesday:  Ken drove me to the doctor an hour and a half away to have an I.U.D. inserted.  (I hope that's not too much information because it is necessary to this particular excuse.)  We were in a pretty big city, so we had a really fun afternoon planned after my appointment, but all that was ruined because I was in horrible pain despite the Valium the very thoughtful nurses gave me.  I have a newfound respect for women who have babies, because that is as close to contractions as I can even imagine getting.  Luckily for me and Ken, we now have up to five years before we have to worry about babies because of this day of cramps.  I spent the afternoon sleeping off the pain.

4.  Thursday:  Day two of my job went even better than the first, thanks to the agony of the migraine and the I.U.D. both being gone, but it was yet another ten hour workday (please understand dolls, I have never really worked, so ten hours is a long day for me) so I was asleep almost before I got home.

Poor Barbie in the real world.

So, except for Monday, I haven't run all week and I've definitely eaten myself silly (because Ben & Jerry's Half Baked goes really well with that poor little ol' me attitude), but I've taken today to whip myself back into shape.  Well, I didn't run because after taking a few days off, it's awfully hard to get back into it, but I will Monday, promise.  Not only did I clean my house, I gave myself a facial and a manicure and pedicure with O.P.I.'s Suzi Skis in the Pyrenees Suede (a gorgeous matte-finish shimmering charcoal), did my brows, whitened my teeth, exfoliated, shaved, deep conditioned and blew out my hair, fake baked, and moisturized, all to my own relief, not to mention my husband, who has stood by me, bless his heart, throughout this horrible and simultaneously wonderful week.

Here's to an amazing weekend and an even better week.


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