Sunday, August 30, 2009

Barbie's back!!

I am blonde again. Finally. My brief hiatus from the world of perceived ditziness and more fun, although for understandable reasons (healthier hair, and saving serious money for my wedding), has caused some serious damage to my mood for the past month or so. My natural color just didn't feel natural to me. (And have you ever seen a dishwater-brown haired Barbie? Didn't think so.) Lucky for me, money wasn't an issue today. I own a cocktail ring my sister has been coveting for a while, and she just happens to be in cosmetology school, so an exchange was made. And by the way, she did an extraordinary job - she's been attempting to dye my hair blonde since she was twelve, always instilling tons of false confidence in me as she colored my hair bright orange time after time, causing massive amounts of damage and numerous temper tantrums (yes, by me), after which I would drive to the nearest salon, swearing I'd never let her try it again. But the allure of blonde from a box was too much for my high-school self to resist, so I always went back. Today, she made all the turmoil worth it.
The hubby said I looked "clean", which makes me wonder what I looked like before. Don't guys give the most original and confusing compliments? I can't wait to get all dolled up, though - clean is a great base, but I'm hoping for a better adjective than that from him the next time we go out.
And getting dolled up is what Barbie lives for, so watch out, Ken!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

A day in the life of a Georgia Barbie doll.

Wake up at 6:30 and beg my darling pom to hush long enough for me to pour my bowl of Raisin Bran.
Take him outside to do his morning business as I snarf down the cereal in record speed.
Get dressed (yes, the best thing about living in the country is being able to go out on the back porch in only panties and hubby's t-shirts) in shorts, a tank, tennis shoes, and an ultra-glam ponytail.
Kiss my bubbabear and son (also known as Dolce the pomeranian) goodbye as I prepare for the 40 minute drive to school.
At the gym for an hour and a half, cursing my genes and convincing myself every drop of sweat is fat dripping out of me.
School, class, quizzes, walking miles around campus with a 30 pound backpack, until blessed 2:00 happens and I get to lug that sucker back to my car for the 40 minute drive back home, this time in traffic.
Haul ass to the shower and ignore Dolce's pleas to play as I try to if not make myself gorgeous, at least look decent for work. (Sometimes this doesn't even happen because of the aformentioned traffic. I know, ick!)
Work at 3:00 - ahh the smell of acetone and tanning beds in the afternoon. Do my duties as the girl who helps the people who do the nails, which includes all the nasty stuff - cleaning, scrubbing, taking polish off of hairy toes, etc. By the way, if you don't already, please shave your toes regularly. If you are going to the effort to get a pedicure, polished nails on hairy toes cancel out the "pretty effect". Just so ya know.
Usually I have time to study at work because, as fall is coming, fewer and fewer people require tans and pedis. So I multitask, or get paid to sit in a corner and study, after I finish all my required work stuff.
Off work at 7:00, after which I am exhausted, usually with more homework to do when I get home. Then mom (Hi Mom!) calls to talk about an idea she has for the wedding, which is soo much more interesting than what I'm supposed to be doing. Finally, at about 11:00 I go to bed, regretting everything that I haven't gotten done.
I've learned in the past couple years that even Barbies and princesses have to join the real world sometime, and damn, I miss my pink Dream House!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Studying, Sweating, and Staying Sweet (or trying to)

So, I'm going back to school tomorrow. Back to books, homework, and essays, balanced with work, planning a wedding, living with the fiance, and raising a dog. I feel like I'm completely justified in being nervous.
I've always been someone who really, really freaks out if something messes with my comfortable little routine, and this is a big adjustment. I've been out of school since December of '08, and I'm feeling all those jitters that a kid who's about to start middle school feels. Kind of pathetic, I know, for being twenty-one years old and in college.
But today, I cleaned out my car, which was a major job in itself, because honestly before today, it looked like I lived in my car. I've arranged my bookbag, printed out my class schedule, and eaten loads of comfort food, and I feel as ready as I'll ever be.
One thing I am thrilled about is going back to the gym whose membership fee is paid by my tuition. I'm obsessed with fitness, and being out of school for so long (with a free gym membership) has really affected my girlish figure. Not that it's so "girlish" even when I'm working out compulsively, but at least my curves stay under control. (I do appreciate every single body type though, because I really have been every single body type.)
But really, underneath all the nervousness, I'm super excited. I love having my schedule completely booked, and that's exactly what this semester is looking like.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Young, in love, and broke.

After being engaged since June of 2008, my fiance and I have finally set a date. I have until March to plan the most beautiful wedding and biggest party this little town has ever seen, on the most limited budget ever, ever! To elaborate on how limited said budget is, hubby was laid off from his job at our town's enormous plant (which used to employ over half of the families in the town), and I am working part-time at a nail salon while attending college. We sat down a couple of nights ago and decided what we could do without in order to make this wedding perfect.

Me: "Honey, do you really NEED so many channels on the t.v.?"

Him: "Sweetie, do you really NEED weekly pedicures?"

Me: "Pooky, does the air conditioner really NEED to stay at 65 during the day when noone is home?"

Him: "Darlin', do I NEED to take away your credit cards?"

After about half an hour of going back and forth like this, finding all the ways that the other loves to spend money unnecessarily, we were able to come up with several compromises that will save us a significant amount of money. This isn't so hard - it's kind of like being a grown-up.

We were doing absolutely super until last Sunday, when my car broke down in the middle of the highway an hour and a half away from home. Of course, something expensive and important would happen when we were behaving so well, restraining ourselves from all our compulsive spending. So...we're back to where we started. Money doesn't buy happiness, but that's hard to believe when "ya ain't got none." At least we're still young and beautiful and in love, right?