Friday, August 28, 2009

A day in the life of a Georgia Barbie doll.

Wake up at 6:30 and beg my darling pom to hush long enough for me to pour my bowl of Raisin Bran.
Take him outside to do his morning business as I snarf down the cereal in record speed.
Get dressed (yes, the best thing about living in the country is being able to go out on the back porch in only panties and hubby's t-shirts) in shorts, a tank, tennis shoes, and an ultra-glam ponytail.
Kiss my bubbabear and son (also known as Dolce the pomeranian) goodbye as I prepare for the 40 minute drive to school.
At the gym for an hour and a half, cursing my genes and convincing myself every drop of sweat is fat dripping out of me.
School, class, quizzes, walking miles around campus with a 30 pound backpack, until blessed 2:00 happens and I get to lug that sucker back to my car for the 40 minute drive back home, this time in traffic.
Haul ass to the shower and ignore Dolce's pleas to play as I try to if not make myself gorgeous, at least look decent for work. (Sometimes this doesn't even happen because of the aformentioned traffic. I know, ick!)
Work at 3:00 - ahh the smell of acetone and tanning beds in the afternoon. Do my duties as the girl who helps the people who do the nails, which includes all the nasty stuff - cleaning, scrubbing, taking polish off of hairy toes, etc. By the way, if you don't already, please shave your toes regularly. If you are going to the effort to get a pedicure, polished nails on hairy toes cancel out the "pretty effect". Just so ya know.
Usually I have time to study at work because, as fall is coming, fewer and fewer people require tans and pedis. So I multitask, or get paid to sit in a corner and study, after I finish all my required work stuff.
Off work at 7:00, after which I am exhausted, usually with more homework to do when I get home. Then mom (Hi Mom!) calls to talk about an idea she has for the wedding, which is soo much more interesting than what I'm supposed to be doing. Finally, at about 11:00 I go to bed, regretting everything that I haven't gotten done.
I've learned in the past couple years that even Barbies and princesses have to join the real world sometime, and damn, I miss my pink Dream House!!

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