Sunday, August 16, 2009

Studying, Sweating, and Staying Sweet (or trying to)

So, I'm going back to school tomorrow. Back to books, homework, and essays, balanced with work, planning a wedding, living with the fiance, and raising a dog. I feel like I'm completely justified in being nervous.
I've always been someone who really, really freaks out if something messes with my comfortable little routine, and this is a big adjustment. I've been out of school since December of '08, and I'm feeling all those jitters that a kid who's about to start middle school feels. Kind of pathetic, I know, for being twenty-one years old and in college.
But today, I cleaned out my car, which was a major job in itself, because honestly before today, it looked like I lived in my car. I've arranged my bookbag, printed out my class schedule, and eaten loads of comfort food, and I feel as ready as I'll ever be.
One thing I am thrilled about is going back to the gym whose membership fee is paid by my tuition. I'm obsessed with fitness, and being out of school for so long (with a free gym membership) has really affected my girlish figure. Not that it's so "girlish" even when I'm working out compulsively, but at least my curves stay under control. (I do appreciate every single body type though, because I really have been every single body type.)
But really, underneath all the nervousness, I'm super excited. I love having my schedule completely booked, and that's exactly what this semester is looking like.

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