Sunday, August 30, 2009

Barbie's back!!

I am blonde again. Finally. My brief hiatus from the world of perceived ditziness and more fun, although for understandable reasons (healthier hair, and saving serious money for my wedding), has caused some serious damage to my mood for the past month or so. My natural color just didn't feel natural to me. (And have you ever seen a dishwater-brown haired Barbie? Didn't think so.) Lucky for me, money wasn't an issue today. I own a cocktail ring my sister has been coveting for a while, and she just happens to be in cosmetology school, so an exchange was made. And by the way, she did an extraordinary job - she's been attempting to dye my hair blonde since she was twelve, always instilling tons of false confidence in me as she colored my hair bright orange time after time, causing massive amounts of damage and numerous temper tantrums (yes, by me), after which I would drive to the nearest salon, swearing I'd never let her try it again. But the allure of blonde from a box was too much for my high-school self to resist, so I always went back. Today, she made all the turmoil worth it.
The hubby said I looked "clean", which makes me wonder what I looked like before. Don't guys give the most original and confusing compliments? I can't wait to get all dolled up, though - clean is a great base, but I'm hoping for a better adjective than that from him the next time we go out.
And getting dolled up is what Barbie lives for, so watch out, Ken!!

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