Saturday, January 7, 2012

Worth the ouch.

As I write this, I am shedding layers of skin like a snake.  I did a glycolic peel on myself a couple hours ago and am now feeling the effects of burning a layer of skin off with acid.  Why should my clients have all the fun?

It's my responsibility to look good.  My career would go nowhere if I didn't.  (At least that's what I tell my husband when he shakes his head at my list of clothing and beauty requirements.)

I guess I decided to punish myself with the most painful parts of my upkeep today, as a bikini wax touchup and a facial peel were in order.  Hey, go big or go home.  At least I am certified to do all these things myself.  So I don't have to pay someone to hurt me.

Speaking of pain, I've killed myself at the gym this week, and the scale showed it.  Two pounds down, nine to go.  My goal is always to do an hour of cardio by myself, but usually and shamefully, I hit snooze for half an hour before I even get out of bed.  (A strategy I read a couple days ago:  Put your alarm away from the bed, so you have to stand up and walk to shut it off.  I am definitely trying this next week.)  Therefore, I do half an hour on the elliptical machine on the Weight Loss setting, a series of intervals.  Then I do an hour long class, which varies depending on the day of the week and the gym schedule.  I'm in love with a class called Butts and Guts, and I've also been doing Step Aerobics, Body Pump, R.I.P.P.E.D., and anything else they offer at 8:30 in the morning.  I am going to attempt Spin next week, because that is the alternative to Zumba on Tuesdays, and I despise Zumba.  I also despise Spin.  Something about being on a crotch-sized seat for any extended amount of time with sweat pouring down my body and an instructor screaming at me the entire time to stand up, sit down, adjust my speed, adjust the pedaling difficulty, move my ass, just doesn't appeal to me.  Call me crazy.  Crazy calorie burning machine.

I get a break from all the ouch tomorrow, though, because my sister, my mother, and I will be wedding dress shopping.  Can I just tell you how insanely giddy this makes me?

Love you, dolls!  XOXO

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