Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Oops, I did it again!

Uh-oh. Real life confessions of a shopaholic:

I got out of class early today, and my credit card was screaming to be let out of my pink wallet. And I don't like for there to be any screaming in my wallet. So I succumbed to temptation, and decided to do a little non-shopping. You know, when you go to the store and tell yourself you won't buy anything?

And there they were. Black Calvin Klein ankle boots, on sale and also screaming. And when the screaming of plastic and ankle boots met, I heard the Hallelujah chorus. And you can guess what happened from there.

So they are now in my closet, hidden in a shoe box, for the inevitable confession to Hubby. I'm hoping to avoid it though, by waiting for about a month to wear them.

Ken: "When did you get those?"

Barbie: "Oh these old things, I've had them for ages!"

That'll work right? Right? Ugh.


  1. story of my life, "when did you get that shirt, or when did you get that purse??"
    me: "had it for a while"
    justin: "really, now? well...."
    do they ever by this excuse, or do they just give up on us?? i think its a little of both sometimes! LMAO

  2. I confessed. He bought bullets and other deer hunting paraphernalia today (and might I add, spent more on them than I did on the shoes), so I told him to keep in mind that I didn't lecture him about his spending and showed him my beautiful boots. He laughed at how I hid them, but I think I made my point! :)
