Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bleached, broke, and fabulous!!

So, last week I whined about my lack of motivation, but this week, I'm getting my life back in shape!!  This always happens when I decide to love myself, just as I am - I end up becoming a lazy shit for a little while.  But when I'm cursing my fat genetics and stressing out over anything, I'm actually my happiest.  Screw accepting myself as I am - I want the bigger and better me!!  (Well, maybe not bigger, but you understand.)

I have become wedding obsessed.  I eat, sleep, and breathe details like cocktail napkins.  I dream about things that can/might/will go wrong.  But I'm making progress, and let me tell you, planning a wedding is not for weenies.  There have been several times since I set the date that I've made up my mind to kidnap Ken and run off to some obscure little island and get married, but too many plans have already been set in motion.  (And who am I kidding?  I want my big fairy-tale wedding!!)

The quitting-smoking-thing is going really well - the end of this week will be a month on the patches.  I'm not saying I haven't slipped up, but everytime I do I feel so stupid and vow not to do it again.  The slip-ups are getting fewer and further between.  If any of you are trying to quit, try the patches.  The only complaint I have about them is that sometimes, they don't want to stick.  Especially at the gym.  (You know, sweat and all that un-girly fun stuff.)  "Girls don't sweat, they glisten", my ass!!

I will be going back to work in a little more than a week, another reason for the wedding mania.  I want to get everything done that I possibly can before I have even less free time than I do now.  I'm dreading it and looking forward to it at the same time.  Working just doesn't suit my lifestyle, but my shopping habits don't suit not working.  I just got a lecture from future-hubby about buying a new brush today.  One of those huge round brushes that give you incredible volume??  Love.  But I can't be irresponsible, says hubby.  So boo.  I'm ready to start making my own money again!

Oh, and my hair!  My hair had an accident last week with they dye.  That's where bleach will get you.  (No, Barbie, that's where vanity will get you!)  So now it is in such bad condition that I have been banned by my stylist from using any form of heat styling, especially straightening and curling, if I want any hair for my wedding.  So, I only get to blow-dry on the low setting, and deep condition several times a week until March.  My hair better be gorgeous that day, dammit!

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