Thursday, October 8, 2009

My name is Barbie, and yes, I'm a color-holic!

Anyone who knows me can tell you that since I've learned that one can change her hair color, I've experimented with every color of the rainbow.  The hair rainbow, though.  I like to keep it natural - my personality just doesn't suit pink highlights.

I quickly decided that my favorite color of the hair rainbow was blonde, but I could never decide which shade of blonde I liked best.  When I wanted low maintenance, I would change to dark blonde.  When I decided to forget low maintenance and go with my heart's true desire, I went platinum.  When I just wanted a change, I got highlights or lowlights, and when I got a wild hair up my ass (a lovely Georgia phrase I've picked up!!), I regret to say that I turned my back on blonde and went brunetteShudder.  Brunette just never felt like me.

Because I hardly ever use any heat styling on my hair (due to my exciting "commuting + school + working out = ponytail" routine), I have never understood why my hair has always been so dry and damaged and impossible to work with.  I kept searching for the lastest, greatest hair miracle out there, and readers, it has taken me years to understand that color can ruin pretty hair.  I mean, as in up until today it never really, truly occurred to me. 

Pretty blonde of me, huh?  (God, I'm just so clever!)

Today, I let my sister smash my dream of having gloriously long hair on my wedding day and cut the damaged ends off.  And it was a lot of ends.  There's still more damage left to get rid of, but she removed about ninety percent of the splits and melties.  (And okay, I'm exaggerating about her smashing my dreams, as my hair's been refusing to grow any longer for a few months now because of the damage.)

My new cut shows off my natural curl in a BIG way.  I feel very Marilyn, but without the platinum.  Which I promise to stay away from for a long, long time.

(Horrible picture.  Uh-mazing haircut!!)

My sister is amazing at what she does!!  If you want her information, tweet or facebook me, because my hair looks absolutely fabulous, and yours should, too!!

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