Wednesday, October 14, 2009

So dudes, I'm gonna get a tattoo that says ITALY...across my belly!!

The Hills actually made me a little nauseous last night - Justin Bobby's belly tattoo...

And the always classy Spencer's cowboy hat...

And Brody's asshole attitude about his girlfriend not wanting to go to his ex-girlfriend's party (yeah, Brody, I was in love with you before this little pissy hissy fit you threw!)...

And Kristin's devastated surprise that Justin Bobby stood her up.  Really, really?  You were surprised?  If his trailer park name doesn't tell you anything, his hair should!  Oh, Kristin.  If you are not invincible, I don't think I can have a girl crush on you anymore...

Oh, and I definitely think I saw Spencer at my gym today.  Yeah, I almost walked up to him and asked him what was up with the cowboy hats and insulting a six-year-old.  (I have a feeling though, that this guy probably doesn't even watch The Hills and would have thought I was just a teensey bit crazy!)

Don't you just love the fun, ridiculousness of "scripted-reality" t.v.?

1 comment:

  1. OMG - you totally should have walked up to Spencer and told him what a massive douche bag he his...ick!

    As for the rest of the cast, I am a helpless addict. I love to make fun of them but I also love their show! I'm so bad. :)
