Thursday, October 1, 2009

Barbie Loves Fat Week

I have been such. a. freakin'. SLOB. this week.  I mean, I have nothing to show for myself - not one single thing.  School has been slow so no stress there.  I've felt lazy and tired (possibly because I haven't done anything) so working out, eh, who needs it?  Also, who needs a social life when you've got all of your new shows' premieres on t.v.?  And I've felt hungry, and munchy, and bored, and I've redeveloped my hand-mouth obsession, so I've been eating and drinking entirely too much.

So, as my social, intellectual, and physical well-being, along with any trace of self-motivation, are sitting on the back burner, the burner towards the front, the one that smells so good, the one I'm paying attention to, is cooking something yummy that I'm going to eat while I sit my fat butt on the couch.  With a side of Pizza Hut, Chinese take-out, and a large glass of burgundy.

I definitely feel enititled to rare vacations from my own Nazi-like self-control, so here's to the rest of this wasted week.

(And Monday, I swear, it's back to salads, the gym, studying, and wedding planning!!)

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