Monday, September 21, 2009

"Something wonderful is gonna happen today!"

First of all, I want to apologize for my brief hiatus from the blogging world. The past two weeks have been miserable in more ways than I'm used to, starting with the fact that I quit smoking...again. But this time is looking much more successful than the last several. I am on the patch, which I HIGHLY recommend to anyone quitting. It has taken away my physical cravings for cigarettes, so all I have to deal with are the mental barriers. It's been a week today! I'm working on convincing myself that smoking is a disgusting, nasty habit. And that it's okay to gain a couple pounds if it helps me quit. Me + weight = long story, but let's just say I'm neurotic about it.

In other news, I am completely broke. My employer decided to pick up and go home (Vietnam) for a whole month, so I am stranded without a job, and my credit cards are feeling the strain. I took the hardest test of my life last week on the inner workings of computers (who cares??), but devoted approximately fifteen hours of studying to the exam and ended up with an A. I was scared to death - I had this ominous feeling which resulted in nausea all day before the class. Not pretty. But after three exams last week and one today, I feel like things are looking up!

And this isn't even half of what I've been dealing with.

So I've been feeling sorry for myself. Poor, pitiful, pathetic, and all alone. (sticks out pouty lip.) About things I can't change, so I'm done with that. You know that in a day, 80% of your time is spent doing things that are bad for you or that don't make you happy, and a measly 20% is spent doing the good things? (Just a little statistical knowledge I came across.)

So as cliche as it sounds, here's to rediscovering my childhood attitude where I would wake up feeling like something wonderful was going to happen that day, every day.

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